Sunday, September 7, 2008

If I Were Her Stylist....

Okay fellow fashionistas, I have decided to add a weekly gem for you all where I will dissect one poor starlet's tragic ensemble and then give her some helpful fashion advice. Feel free to gawk, sigh, and then add some tips of your own...

Oh poor, poor Jaslene Gonazlez ( One of Tyra's little baby birds from America's Next Top Model).... If I were her stylist I would wave her tiny body up and down at the starting line of a NASCAR Race, the only place I think this wretched outfit would have any value. But here at The Style Lab, we are problem SOLVERS, so.... First of all, lose the gift wrap ribbon shrug. The black and white checker pattern is way too distracting. The dress should be a solid jewel tone ( Mustard, Kelly Green, Deep Plum) , which would look gorgeous against her dark skin. Add one chunky cocktail ring and suddenly you've gone from the race track to the red carpet.

Gorgeous jewel tone dress on Julieanne Moore

My favorite cocktail rings by Angelique de Paris

Photo Credit: Life & Style Magazine; InStyle

1 comment:

Katie Skow said...

Agreed. The dress is a bit *blah*...but you're right..colors and accessories would make all the difference in the world. Green seems like a good match for her. ;-)