Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Seventeen, again
Oh to be 17 again! I was a guest judge over the weekend for a Macy's and Seventeen Magazine model search. We had to judge what real life girl had the best style based on what they were wearing and a brief questionnaire ( ie, who's your style icon, fave celeb couple). The girls were all so dang cute and covered every possible style, from goth to glam. Here's a few shots from the event
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
When your gay uncle's couch attacks!
Now, usually gay fellas are right on point with fashion, but every now and then, disaster strikes! Dear Carson Kressley, me thinks those queer eyes you're flashing may be aimed at yourself, as this outfit is all wrong. While I do applaud his flare for bold colors and a boho pattern ( both big trends for fall), this is just all too much. Broken up into separates, this could be a fab look. I would love the jacket with jeans or fitted black skinny leg dress pants; or the pants with a black fitted jacket and black dress shirt. Perhaps instead of spending his time teaching America How To Look Good Naked, he should be teaching himself how to look good in a suit!

Photo Credits- US Weekly

Photo Credits- US Weekly
Friday, September 18, 2009
Like a style virgin....
Yes, I know Madge is always sooo fashion forward, but she looks like a cross between an old Italian mama and an 80's streetwalker here. I am glad she covered up those man arms and I liker her hat and shoes, but think the long lace skirt just looks out of place. I could have lived with the skirt if it was a lot shorter, just covering her briefs. Or, even better, she's Madonna and she's got the gams to lose the lace entirely.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wintour Wonderland
If you have any interest in fashion at all, Run, don't walk to see The September Issue. What a fabulous film!!! Anna Wintour is larger than life. While she is a tyrant that can make or break a designer ( YSL head designer Stefano Pilati looked like he was about to vomit from nerves while showing her his fall collection; Thakoon tells of hands shaking so badly he could almost not hold up a garment in his first meeting with fashion's first lady), you sort of feel sorry for her. Behind that perfectly coifed bob, she seems almost robotic, void of any real human emotion...
The real star of this film to me is the incredibly talented and lovely Grace Coddington. She has a fierce eye for style, even if she does at times struggle with the ever evolving fashion world in which politics sometimes takes precedence. I wanted to be her best friend immediately in the scene where she is putting on a model's shoe at a shoot and admits she thinks she is the only fashion editor that actually does these "menial" acts instead of an assistant. What a genius she is. Looks like I have a new girl crush:-)
The real star of this film to me is the incredibly talented and lovely Grace Coddington. She has a fierce eye for style, even if she does at times struggle with the ever evolving fashion world in which politics sometimes takes precedence. I wanted to be her best friend immediately in the scene where she is putting on a model's shoe at a shoot and admits she thinks she is the only fashion editor that actually does these "menial" acts instead of an assistant. What a genius she is. Looks like I have a new girl crush:-)
Friday, September 4, 2009
Before and after....
Saturday, August 15, 2009
What I did today....
Thursday, August 13, 2009
What I did today...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
So long to Solange's style....

So this is what it looks like when things in Rainbow Land are slow and Rainbow Brite is forced to turn tricks... What in the world was Solange Knowles thinking with this terrible tracksuit? I know, I know, she wants to be her own person and not just Beyonce's little sister, but that is not excuse to ransack the trash cans at House of Dereon for scraps and call it an outfit. I get the whole "stand out when performing" idea, but there is nothing salvageable here. I am just going to defer to Rhianna here to show her how it's done...

Monday, June 29, 2009
An Oldie But Goodie...
Here's a gem from my archives... an old appearance on E! News ( and, sadly, also the first time I ever sort of believed everyone who said I look like Nia Vardalos)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Lil Kim is a Big Mess

Yikes... where to begin?? Okay, well we all know Lil' Kim is not one for subtlety, but sweet mary, this look is just criminal! That shirt looks like a dress that was sloppily hacked into what Lil Kim calls a top. There is waaaaay to much cleavage going on as well. Oddly enough, I like the pants. I would pair them with a fitted t-shirt and a shrunken blazer, as illustrated by the always-on-point Kate Mess .

The only place those shoes belong is sliding down a pole, so those too have to go. A fab pair of heels would take her look from house arrest to house of style.
Photo credits: Google, USWeekly
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
What I did today...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Scarlett Letter

Scarlett Johansson should have a big "H" across her chest for hot mess of an outfit. I never have understood why pretty people try to make themselves look horrific. Ms. Johansson is arguably one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood with one of the most envied bodies, but you would never know from this ill proportioned ensemble. The waist on her shorts is way too high, and cuts her torso in an awful place, and the tucked in shirt is not helping her any. It just makes her look squatty. She needs to untuck her shirt to elongate her torso.
The legs are way too full, they should fit a bit closer to her thighs ( not too tight or you risk looking like Daisy Duke). A closer fit will make her look more chic, and less country. The big dark sandals also cut her leg in a weird place and are much too heavy for this look. I am a huge fan of nude colored sandals as they keep the visual line of your leg going and give the illusion of length.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Disney Disaster...

Oh sweet, sweet Selena... que pasa with this horrific look? She looks like one of the fly girls going to an interview for a 9 to 5 job. The shirt and blouse are just way too much pouff to be worn together and there is a Brats doll somewhere going muy loca that someone took her boots. Okay, so let's take the blouse on its own, which could actually be pretty cute if paired with a high waisted pencil skirt. The streamlined silhouette of the pencil skirt will balance out the billowy shape of the top, showing off her cute little teeny bopper body. Same deal with the skirt, pair it with a close fitting t shirt or tank top a la Kristen Bell in a fab Jenny Kayne number. She can just forget about that shoe and sock number all together and opt for a classic black heel. I am currently kooky for YSL's platform pumps. They make your legs look a mile long and like you were just poured into them. Heed my words Miss Gomez and you will cast a spell on us all.

Photo Credits: Life & Style, Google.

Friday, June 5, 2009
What I did today...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Her Cups Runneth Over....

We get it Kim, we get it, you're a knockout with giant knockers, but there is something to be said for the "less is more adage". Less boob and less fabric on the bottom could have saved this " I am in my pj's and I don't give a damn what you think look". Now, pantsuits and the whole PJ look ( thanks to Dolce e& Gabbana's Spring 09 collection) are hot trends for spring but the lack of proper proportions kill this Stella McCartney jumper. I am all for a little cleavage now and then, but this is just way too much; it makes her look more Hooters than high-end. I would add a bit more fabric to the cups or sew in a lace edge to add coverage and keep the sexiness. The pants are just way too big, her tiny little body ( and believe me, I saw her at YSL in Beverly Hills and this gal is teeny-tiny) is swimming in all that fabric. She needs to take the legs in about 5 inches on each side to streamline the silhouette.
Just a quick appointment with a good tailor will have Miss Kardashian keeping up with the latest trends.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What I did today...
I have decided to start a new entry on my blog to fill my readers in on the latest and greatest with me ( after all, I can't just rip apart poor, unsuspecting celebs and their wretechd outfit choices all day, can I?). As my schedule is ever changing and I am always doing something different, I thought this could be a cool feature. So, without any further adieu, here's what I did today
Photo Shoot for the City of Santa Monica... A relatively easy and quick shoot to promote the sexiness of the city of Santa Monica. Since I have yet to master putting captions in the right place, the first image is one option for the campaign. The second, is a behind the scenes look ( the one thing I do agree with Hilary Clinton on is that it DOES take a village:-) The final shot is the second option. Enjoy!

Photo Shoot for the City of Santa Monica... A relatively easy and quick shoot to promote the sexiness of the city of Santa Monica. Since I have yet to master putting captions in the right place, the first image is one option for the campaign. The second, is a behind the scenes look ( the one thing I do agree with Hilary Clinton on is that it DOES take a village:-) The final shot is the second option. Enjoy!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Lady Gag!

Can anyone keep a poker face when looking at this wretched mess of an outfit? The bra and undies look way out of place and the boots just look like a pair of 80's roller rink skates are eating her legs and not doing her thighs any favors either. Okay, okay, let's be fair and let this gal keep one piece... the jacket actually is pretty fab, but would look better with some clothing on the bottom. I am kooky for jackets/blazers/sports coats ( call it what you will, but it's an essential item for spring and summer) worn with ripped up jeans and heels. The distressed jeans add an edge to the more conservative jacket and balance out the whole look. I am currently obsessed with William Rast's Belle Flare Traveller jeans. They make your legs look a million miles long and they run fairly big, so you will most likely have to buy a size or two smaller than you usually wear, which is just a nice little ego boost. ( yes, I know sizes vary by brand, but let me enjoy the only pair of size 26 jeans I will ever own in my life!) Now, you can really wear anything under the jacket; a tight t-shirt, tank top, silk camisole, white blouse; it's all good. Alright now, Miss GaGa, I see you your jacket and raise you these few tips:-)

Photo Credit: Star Magazine, Revolveclothing.com
Sunday, March 22, 2009
One Trend, Two Ways....
I think it's safe to say we're all feeling the strain of the current economy in some way or another, but my darlings, this is no excuse to dress like we lost our sense of style along with our fortunes. We have all heard about shopping in our own closets ( if you haven't, that happens to be one of my specialties, so contact me ASAP!) There's a whole new world of fashion in your closet as you're reading this, just waiting to be rediscovered), but I also think there are a few pieces we all need this Spring to keep us looking like a million bucks. I recently was a featured guest speaker at Bloomingdales in Fashion Valley where I taught ladies how to get two or more looks out of one trend. I thought I share a few gems this week....

The Boyfriend Jean...
While I do feel like Katie Holmes just woke up one morning on put on Tom's jeans and now we're all running around looking a mess, there are some perks to this style. There are many of us who get a little lazy in the winter months and pack on some lbs., so this is a good look to camouflage that. Also, the loose fit makes them pretty comfy to run around in. Since the jeans are boxy and masculine, it is imperative to keep the top fitted and feminine or else you're going to look a butchy bum. For daytime, I like to pair the jeans with a camisole and a bright shrunken cardigan and beautiful flats. When the sun goes down, I like to top off the jeans with a sexy silk top and a giant heel or platform. Just remember ladies, keep it balanced and look like the foxy lady you are.

Photo credit: Google
The Boyfriend Jean...
While I do feel like Katie Holmes just woke up one morning on put on Tom's jeans and now we're all running around looking a mess, there are some perks to this style. There are many of us who get a little lazy in the winter months and pack on some lbs., so this is a good look to camouflage that. Also, the loose fit makes them pretty comfy to run around in. Since the jeans are boxy and masculine, it is imperative to keep the top fitted and feminine or else you're going to look a butchy bum. For daytime, I like to pair the jeans with a camisole and a bright shrunken cardigan and beautiful flats. When the sun goes down, I like to top off the jeans with a sexy silk top and a giant heel or platform. Just remember ladies, keep it balanced and look like the foxy lady you are.

Photo credit: Google
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Some gems from my archives
Well, I decided with the recent Awards Season wrapping up, the fashion police of Hollywood have already issued enough warrants for the style assaults committed by tinseltown's finest, so I am switching gears on this blog for a minute. I recently met with my creative team and found some oldies but goodies from my book that I wanted to share with you all here. This is truly what I love most about my job, complete artistic freedom... enjoy!

Saturday, January 24, 2009
A Shot at Style....
If I were Tila Tequila's stylist, I would had to have taken about 40 shots of tequila to think this was ever a good idea for an outfit. This little tart needs to sex it down and cover it up.... I have always been a fan of the less is more approach. Clearly a concept that is lost on this little bi-sexual beauty. Okay, the corset can stay, but I would add a fitted black jacket over it, as illustrated here by the lovely Eve, in a hot little tailored number by DSquared2. Since we know Miss Tequila likes to go both ways, I would give her the option of pairing that combo with a pair of either dark skinny jeans, for a chic look, or some ripped up jeans for a dirty rocker look. I would top both looks off with a pair of platform heels in either black or leopard. Now, that's a look worth drinking to.

Photos: People Style Watch, InStyle

Photos: People Style Watch, InStyle
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
First Lady of Fashion....
I'm baaaack.... Yes I have been hibernating for the past few months, but I was so inspired by the impeccable style of Mrs. Obama, that the Biggest Loser will have to wait tonight. I feel compelled to give this woman the props she deserves. I know I am not the only one to compare Michelle Obama, but I would like to think I was among the first. Let's break it down, shall we???
The Swearing In Ceremony dress was so chic and representative of Mrs. Obama's personal style. The cut was a classic one but the fabrication and color made it so modern. Lace is such a huge trend for fall/winter and the citrus hue is so dead on for Spring. The J. Crew gloves mixed in with the Isabel Toledo dress is the perfect look of couture meets everyday. A look we can all relate to ( Forever 21 dress and YSL Muse bag anyone?!)

Okay, now for the dreamy Jason Wu Inaugural Ball gown... here again she nails a big trend, yet makes it her own. We all know the one shoulder look is hot and winter white is well... white hot ( I couldn't resist). This reminds me of another fashion icon at an Inaugural Ball....

Okay, now for the whole story, check me out on thehuffingtonpost.com.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bonnie-fuller/its-official-michelle-o-i_b_159511.html
photos: Google
The Swearing In Ceremony dress was so chic and representative of Mrs. Obama's personal style. The cut was a classic one but the fabrication and color made it so modern. Lace is such a huge trend for fall/winter and the citrus hue is so dead on for Spring. The J. Crew gloves mixed in with the Isabel Toledo dress is the perfect look of couture meets everyday. A look we can all relate to ( Forever 21 dress and YSL Muse bag anyone?!)

Okay, now for the dreamy Jason Wu Inaugural Ball gown... here again she nails a big trend, yet makes it her own. We all know the one shoulder look is hot and winter white is well... white hot ( I couldn't resist). This reminds me of another fashion icon at an Inaugural Ball....

Okay, now for the whole story, check me out on thehuffingtonpost.com.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bonnie-fuller/its-official-michelle-o-i_b_159511.html
photos: Google
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