While talking to my dear friend about what to wear on a first date (which is a nice way of saying we were trying to figure out how just much boob and/or leg she should show), I came up with the idea of having a basic T: A ratio. That is, how much cleavage (T) and leg (A) a gal can sport at once. I think the T is directly inverse to the A. Which, again, is a nice way of saying if you're giving it all away up top, cover up the gams a bit. Conversely, if you are wearing 2-inch inseam shorts (and go on with your bad self if you are), wear a long sleeve or loose fitting top. Some women do this so effortlessly (a la my dream girl Kate Moss), while others (Heidi Montag of my most hated duo on the planet "Speidi". If that name doesn't ring a bell, you are officially my idol) are running around town with barley contained nipples and almost visible underwear.
So I thought I would break down some of my favorite first date looks using my carefully crafted T:A ratio rule..... enjoy
Shorts with a loose fitting blouse:
I love the look of nicely tailored shorts (I say keep the inseam from 3-5 inches) which really highlight a great pair of legs and a blousy top. This is a great look year round, well at least here in Southern California. In the summer or spring, pair white or dark denim (darker denim is a bit dressier for evening) shorts with a floral long sleeve, semi sheer blouse. For the impending fall and winter, I love wool shorts with a tie front blouse and opaque black tights with black heels or ankle booties (the black tights and black shoes will create a long and lean line, or legs that go on for days as I like to call the look). Top it all off with a fitted, almost shrunken blazer and you are good to go.
Loads of cleavage with pants:
Now, I am one of cleavage’s biggest fans (and dare I say when in Europe, a fan of a slightly visible nipple as well), but there's a classy way to advertise the goods. In the summer or spring, I love a deep plunging neck silk camisole (but, take note gals, the insanely deep necklines are good only for gals with a B or smaller cup, think Kate Hudson. Anything bigger looks vulgar) with either higwaisted jeans or dark skinny jeans. This fall and winter I love the look of silk V-neck camisoles in deep plums and smoky grays with dark skinny jeans and a bright, stacked high heel (probably in yellow or red). Wear a fitted cashmere cardigan to complete the look.
Now, ladies, I can't help your dates with their looks, but here's a basic rule of thumb I tell my single friends; if he is wearing Mandals (male leather sandals), carrying a Murse (man purse) or wearing capri pants, calmly pick up your gorgeous oversized clutch and... run like hell.